Last updated at Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:54:15 GMT

Embracing a consolidated security ecosystem

Cybersecurity is as unpredictable as it is rewarding. Each day often presents a new set of challenges 和 responsibilities, particularly as organizations accelerate digital transformation efforts. 这意味着您和您的网络团队可能会发现自己在多云环境和不断变化的合规性要求的复杂环境中导航.


A Day in the Life of a Security Professional


保护敏感数据和保护相同数据的责任可能会产生持续的压力,要求在许多事情上保持领先一步. Teams defending environments often face high stress levels 和 tight deadlines. 不出所料,对熟练的安全领导的需求往往超过了人员的供应. 这就是引入一系列工具和解决方案来支持这些团队的地方. And while there are many positives to be had, security teams are often overrun by an array of solutions 和 vendors, 在组织的风险状态中增加了复杂性和脆弱性.

Multiple Vendors Often Means More Work

为不同的安全功能使用不同的供应商和解决方案可以帮助保持新鲜感, but it can also be time-consuming 和 cumbersome. And rather than help teams, it may lead to a decrease in performance. With each platform 和 tool requiring its own resources, the overall efficiency of your infrastructure 和 processes may suffer. 这些性能问题可能会影响关键业务操作并阻碍生产力. 例如,当您收到威胁警报时,攻击者可能已经在努力工作了.

安全分析师需要一个简化的工作环境,使他们能够通过一次单击了解来自任何来源的警报的根本原因. 他们不应该浪费时间在多个工具之间切换来调查和修复潜在的威胁. And when belts start tightening 和 resources become scarce, managing multiple vendors with different payment cycles can become frustrating.

在不牺牲其组成部分的有效性的情况下,找到创建安全生态系统的方法是值得的. By reducing the number of disparate cyber solutions, security professionals can optimize effectiveness 和 efficiency, subsequently enhancing security posture 和 reducing their risk profile.

What are the Benefits of a Unified Security Ecosystem?

扩大对整个IT环境的可见性可增强威胁检测能力, allowing security teams to minimize the impact of potential cyberattacks. In fact, 41% of organizations 高德纳调查 say consolidating security solutions improved their risk posture. For some organizations still clinging to the status quo of best of breed solutions, consider the following consolidation benefits when trying to gain executive-buy-in.

1. Identify Systems 和 Applications at Risk

一个健壮的漏洞管理程序应该是您的第一站,它可以帮助您识别任何存在潜在风险的系统或应用程序. 它为您的安全团队提供了对It基础设施和整个网络中潜在弱点的关键洞察. 重要的是, 它将使您能够正确管理和修补对网络构成风险的漏洞, protecting your organization from the possibility of a breach.

2. Safeguard an Evolving L和scape with Real-time Monitoring

持续扫描和测试应用程序是健壮的安全策略的重要组成部分. 将您的安全技术堆栈整合到一个集中的生态系统中,可以实时监控您的基础设施,并接收深入的报告,从而实现更好的跨团队协作. 获得可操作的洞察力将为您和您的安全团队提供所需的自主权,以保持领先于不断变化的风险并主动解决潜在漏洞.

3. Broaden Visibility 和 Contextual Underst和ing

避免给您的安全团队留下需要手工调查和关联的孤立警报. Integrating data from multiple sources, 包括端点, 网络, 云环境, 和应用程序提供了跨IT环境不同层的威胁的全面视图和分析. 这种整体方法允许跨各种向量的数据更好地相互关联, uncovering complex attack patterns that might otherwise go unnoticed. Consider broadening your context with 威胁情报, providing information about actor groups, 典型的目标, TTP的, 和更多的.

How Rapid7 Can Help: 十大赌博正规信誉网址

十大赌博正规信誉网址 offers a simplified security stack, fueling your D&R program to give you a 24x7x365 SOC, IR, XDR技术, SIEM, 高飞, 威胁情报, 和 unlimited VRM in a single service. 这确保了您的环境由精英SOC全天候监控,并与您的内部团队透明地合作, helping to further expand your resources. 了解更多.

4. Automate Threat Hunting 和 Distinguish Friend from Foe

面对不断演变的威胁,自动化威胁搜索成为一项至关重要的能力. By integrating automation within your consolidated security ecosystem, 您将能够快速辨别即将到来的威胁是良性的还是恶意的. Streamlined processes allow for efficient identification of potential risks, 使您和您的团队能够优先考虑需要人力的活动.

5. Prioritize Risk 和 Simplify Workflows

大量的安全警报甚至会压倒最强大的安全操作. 整合的安全生态系统通过自动分组相关警报和对需要立即关注的事件进行优先级排序,减轻了这一挑战. 统一和可视化活动在一个地方更迅速地确定威胁的根源及其潜在影响. 有了这些知识, you can assess the scope of an incident efficiently, build a timeline of the attack, 迅速采取行动, targeted action to effectively neutralize the threat.

6. Swiftly Investigate with End-to-end Digital Forensics

事件解决要求彻底了解攻击的入口点,并能够跟踪攻击者留下的任何痕迹. With a consolidated security ecosystem, 使用端到端数字取证进行快速和全面的调查,并审查关键工件(如事件日志), 注册表键值, 和整个IT环境中的浏览器历史记录-大大增强了您的事件响应能力. 攻击者活动的完整视图可以帮助您确定危害的程度, identify weaknesses in your defences, 和 take appropriate remedial actions.

7. Coordinate 响应s with Remediation 和 Policy Enforcement

通过在整个技术堆栈中集成预防技术,实现协调响应和面向未来的防御. 利用各种安全组件之间的通信,实时对活动威胁采取果断行动. 例如, an attack blocked on the network can automatically update policies on endpoints, ensuring consistent security measures across your infrastructure. 这种主动的安全方法最终降低了成功的网络攻击的风险.


With a rapidly changing threat l和scape, 整合提供了组织需要的安全性改进,以实现权力平衡. 简化和优化您的网络安全解决方案始于获得对您的技术堆栈的可见性. 这使您的团队能够确定哪些地方的整合可以提高团队在检测和降低风险方面的生产力和有效性.